Category: Podcast Episode
Basic Christianity
Walk in the Spirit
Why? The Prophet Habakkuk
Ephesians 4:7c
Ephesians 4:7b
Ephesians 4:7a
In Ephesians 3:1-14 we are given amazing insight into the position and possessions of every believer in Jesus Christ as we are identified with Christ. Verse 5 tells us:
…having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will…
Today, the word “adoption” may bring to mind the image of babies taken into families into which they were not physically born, but that is not what Paul had in mind.
The word υἱοθεσία could be translated as “placing a son” and it was a process for an adult who was being officially placed within the family.
The “placed” son was given all the rights of an heir and a complete removal of his previous legal identity, including all debts which were held against him.
Not only this, the “placed son” was given access to the family accounts and the authority to represent the family legally.
Once this process took place the effects were permanent, and even the birth of a legitimate heir could not abrogate the rights of the adopted – or legally placed – son.
All this was given wholly by God’s amazing Grace.